Dr Pauline Christmas
Researcher | Lecturer
Expert clinician

Next courses now open for booking
Physiotherapy and Occupational Therapy Course

Day-1. Motor-activity interventions in cerebral palsy
Following completion delegates will have an improved understanding of: ​
Why propositional knowledge is required for clinical reasoning
Defining and describing the clinically observable disorders of cerebral palsy
Linking clinically observable disorders of cerebral palsy to treatment modalities
The role of treatment adjuncts including botulinum toxin
Understanding the importance of targeted activity
​Day-2.Motor behaviour and its Application to Treatment of the Child with
Cerebral Palsy​​
Following completion delegates will have an improved understanding of: ​
Motor behaviour and how it can guide clinical practice.
How to identify what is limiting activity and function in cerebral palsy
Key features of motor behaviour and how they can be used to guide practice
Recognising how current knowledge on motor behaviour can promote structured activity.
Day-3: Goal setting, activity-focused interventions and measuring outcomes using a published model and the International Classification of Functioning Disability and Health (ICF) Framework
Following completion delegates will have an improved understanding of: ​
Application of a published model of activity-focused interventions
How to use the International Classification of Functioning to set the goal and select the outcome measure
How to select and critique the outcome assessment tool.​
Technician / Assistant Course

Course objectives
Following completion of the course delegates will have an improved understanding of:
The common presenting motor disorders of cerebral palsy and how they can be recognised, how they interfere with activity and function.
How the motor disorders can be linked to therapy treatment modalities and their adjuncts.
An overview of typical motor development and learning and how it can be applied to guide clinical practice
The importance of targeted activity in the treatment of children with cerebral palsy including delivery in constraint-induced movement therapy.
How equipment and positioning can be used to provide targeted activity.​